
High speed fiber laser: 2D cutting with robot sorting

In Giotto Fratelli's machinery you can find, along with the recent TRUMPF LaserCell 7040 3D laser cutting, 4 flatbed laser (two-dimensional) cutting systems with automatic loading / unloading of the material: two 3530 CO2 lasers, a 6,000 W TRUMPF Trulaser 3030 fibre laser and a 3,000 W SALVAGNINI L3-4020 fibre laser with robotized sorting for automated separation and stacking of single machined pieces.

Further details can be found in our PDF machinery list  >>

Laser cutting systems

Our 2D laser cutting systems can satisfy direct customer requests as well as prepare semi-finished products for other processes, such as discs for sheet-turning. With the available systems we can make cuts on sheet metal sheets of 4,000 x 2,000 mm, reaching thicknesses of 30 mm on aluminum, 25 mm on iron, 20 mm on stainless steel, 10 mm of brass or copper.


Sheet and tube, 24 hours a day

Beyond sheet metal: 2 of our 4 plants are equipped for laser tube cutting.

All our systems guarantee a clean cut, high speed, energy efficiency and can work 24 hours a day thanks to the automated loading / unloading systems.